Our Services

weightlifting deadlift


An approach designed for people with specific fitness goals in mind. Whether you’re training for a marathon, an iron man, CrossFit competition, or just trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle, we work as hard as you so you don’t have to stop doing what you love. From treatment, recovery, and specific strength exercises we make sure there are no gaps in your fitness or training.

  • recreational / fitness athletes

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high school lacrosse athlete in action


An approach tailored to each specific sport, position, and athlete. Our process with Sports centered Physical Therapy well work to get you out of pain and ready for the demands and positions each sport requires. We then transition to build on that progress and get you better, faster, and stronger than you were before the injury.

  • Specific to sport and position demands

  • Injury Prevention / Reduction

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trainer assisting athlete with push ups


Athletes that put a lot of miles or lifts on their body can greatly benefit from regular maintenance. Getting treatment when issues are minor or slightly nagging can prevent them from becoming major resulting in missed time in sport or training. Ask us how maintenance during training or in-season can benefit you.

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trainer helping athlete stretch


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close up of row machine


We’ve seen and treated many different surgeries. We don’t believe in athletes resting after surgery so you’ll see our athletes who are recovering from lower body surgeries working their upper body and vice versa. We also believe an abdominal surgery needs a comprehensive approach to return to sport/lifting as post-op core weaknesses can lead to many issues throughout the kinetic chain.

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trainer on floor demonstrating exercise


Live outside of Charleston, or want the convenience of being in your own home for physical therapy? We’re happy to offer Telehealth or Virtual Physical Therapy options.

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  • We use advanced manual therapy techniques developed over years of practice to speed up and enhance your recovery including: joint mobilizations, active release technique (ART), traction, soft tissue mobilization, trigger point therapy, myofascial release, muscle energy techniques, and others. These techniques are used in conjunction with other treatments and strength training to create a holistic and full body approach to physical therapy.

  • Dry needling is a technique we use that involves small acupuncture needles to improve pain, range of motion, and speed up healing for various injuries in muscle, joints or nerves. Patients struggling with these types of injuries can often have immediate relief. Dry needling can be combined with electric stimulation and is one component of a larger plan with other treatments and strength training.

  • Having trained with a surgeon that performs over 200 ACL reconstructions per year, we are well versed in ACL rehab and return to sport testing after ACL reconstruction. We implement a strength centered approach and sport specific drills to ensure you are ready to return to your sport even better than before the injury.

  • Blood flow restriction training (BFR) is used as a method of strength training for those with pain, injury, or recovering from surgery. BFR uses a blood pressure cuff to occlude a safe percentage of blood flow from either the arm or leg to simulate a heavy training environment without putting the stress of heavy training on a painful or recovering muscle, bone, or tendon/ligament. This gives us an opportunity to grow or maintain strength when we wouldn’t have that opportunity otherwise and can decrease pain and improve healing times.

  • Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization, scraping, gua sha, GRASTON technique all fall under this category of treatment used to decrease pain, improve blood flow and healing, and improve range of motion. Especially effective with tendon injuries and scars, this technique is used in conjunction with other treatments and strength training to create a holistic and full body approach to physical therapy.

  • Strength training is a must for all of our patients. Most injuries break down to a weakness in some aspect that needs to be addressed. We pride ourselves on prioritizing strength training and building buy in so you as the athlete knows why it’s so important and why keeping up with these exercises is the most effective and long term solution to staying healthy.

  • Pre-hab is the act of physical therapy and strength training prior to any kind of surgery and is a must for ACL reconstruction success. We know from countless research studies that the stronger one goes into a surgery, the better the outcomes. For that reason, we always recommend prehab to optimize an efficient recovery and we use this time to educate the athlete on what recovery after surgery will look like.

  • Using specific strength tests and sport specific drills, we can determine your readiness for your specific sport to ensure you’re in the best place possible for a safe return.

  • E-Stim when combine with dry needling or used with exercises can promote healing, reduce swelling, and increase muscle activation and readiness allowing us to improve treatment. This technique is used in conjunction with other treatments and strength training to create a holistic and full body approach to physical therapy.

  • We use cupping for muscle pain, improving blood flow, and improving range of motion. This technique is used in conjunction with other treatments and strength training to create a holistic and full body approach to physical therapy.